Motorbike Riding through Bolivia's Andes Mountains Range

Update 21 (February 2023)

Tupiza to Uyuni, Bolivia

When I arrived in Tupiza, I discovered I had somehow booked a hotel that does not have any onsite parking for my motorcycle.  As it turned out I had a direct confirmation but they had no booking.  I wasn’t too keen on what I saw anyway.  So I backed out and went looking elsewhere.  I found a nice family run hotel, with a local’s price and booked in for two nights.  I spent the time exploring town.

So far in Chile, Argentina and Paraguay I had been drinking the local water.  The water in Bolivia is not suitable to drink.  Even the locals that can afford to do something about it, don’t drink it.  I had been careful with using bottled water but something started going wrong by my second afternoon in Tupiza.  The trouble is, when you’re travelling, you are always at the mercy of others to prepare your food.  My stomach had a pretty bad night and I was quite feverish.

A Torito (Indian I think) is the very popular form of transport around this town.  There are many on the road and just as many in the back streets, undergoing repairs.

The local market.  There are increasingly people wearing traditional clothing (not this lady).  The culture gets more conservative in the highlands.  No shorts for the men around town, even though it was quite warm.

Plaza El Mundo Taqeza.

The next day the hotel was full and it was time for me to move on.  I have never been good at staying off the food when I have an upset stomach.  So I had some of the hotel breakfast, then packed up and left.  Of course, it was too early for any food.

Some of the rock formations looked more like ancient mythical cities from a distance..

There was still a little bit of snow around in Bolivia.

It was a pretty easy day to arrive at Uyuni.  I settled in and walked to the centre of town to find a bank cash machine to pay the hotel.  No worries there.

This is where, as a tourist I should be staying for a couple of days and visiting the salt lake, Salar de Uyuni etc.  It didn’t happen.  I went to bed without any food and left in the morning. I have had some disappointed looks from Bolivian locals when I say I passed by all that.  But at the time I was kind of feeling I’d seen enough salt lakes in Chile and Argentina…  Still feel like that, ha.

Uyuni main streets..

Tarija to Tupiza, Bolivia
Update 20 (February 2023)